Which of my guests need Step 'n Wash?

Parents and children

Parents and children need Step 'n Wash to make handwashing safe, easy, and accessible. Parents with multiple kids or mobility challenges often struggle to lift children to sinks, creating unnecessary stress and safety concerns. Step 'n Wash empowers children to reach sinks independently, promoting hygiene while easing the burden on parents and caregivers.

Individuals with dwarfism and other height-related disabilities

Individuals with dwarfism and other height-related disabilities need Step 'n Wash to access sinks safely and independently. Traditional restrooms often lack inclusive designs, leaving these guests without viable options. Step 'n Wash ensures accessibility without compromising usability for others, promoting dignity, independence, and inclusion.

Caregivers with mobility impairments

Parents, grandparents, and other caregivers with mobility impairments—31 million adults in the U.S. alone—need Step 'n Wash to support children without physical strain. Lifting a child to reach a sink can be difficult or unsafe, if not impossible. Step 'n Wash provides a secure, accessible solution, enabling caregivers to meet children’s needs while promoting independence and inclusion.

Step 'n Wash step stools belong in every inclusive facility

I never realized how horribly equipped public restrooms are for kids until I had one - and it's not like it's rare for a child to need the potty.

I have to lift my kid up because the sinks are too high. Honestly, the experience stinks.

- Survey Respondent

How does Step 'n Wash compare to other solutions?

Creating inclusive restrooms is essential, and there are several approaches to making handwashing more accessible. Lowering a sink is one option, but it can make the sink less functional for taller guests. Alternatively, some facilities use inexpensive plastic or wooden step stools, but these often pose significant safety risks.

Step 'n Wash offers a better solution. Designed with the principles of Universal Design, it provides a safe, sturdy boost for those who need it while maintaining full sink access for everyone else.

 Step 'n WashLowering one sinkCheap step stool
Provides a safe boost for those who need it, and is automatically folded out of the way for guests who don't need it
Provides sink access for guests of shorter stature, but makes the sink less usable for guests of average height

Provides a boost to those who need it, and can be moved out of the way for those who don't need it
Flawless safety record over 17 years, 20,000+ installations, and millions of uses

Provides a safe solution to guests of shorter stature

Moveable plastic, wooden, and metal step stools are inherently unsafe
More expensive than a moveable step stool, but far less expensive than lowering one sink

Highest cost option

Lowest cost option
Speed of Installation
Installs in about 15 minutes

Construction process can take numerous days

Doesn't require installation
Exceptional durability

Exceptional durability

Prone to damage and theft


Target trials and rolls out accessible handwashing nationwide

Target is deeply committed to inclusivity and enhanced customer experiences. As part of this commitment, they wanted to make sure that all their customers could wash their hands properly.

After a very successful trial in 5 pilot locations, Target installed Step ‘n Wash step stools in all of their stores across the US.

Download the case study

Step 'n Wash step stool in use at a Target Store

How does installing Step 'n Wash benefit my business / organization?

Improve guest satisfaction

Step 'n Wash enhances the restroom experience for guests, including parents with children, individuals with dwarfism, and caregivers with mobility impairments. By addressing these needs, businesses foster goodwill and customer loyalty.

Support brand reputation

Installing Step 'n Wash signals that your business prioritizes inclusivity and guest well-being. This commitment can strengthen your brand’s reputation, reduce liability concerns, and support accessibility goals.

Drive tangible results

Investing in accessibility and inclusion isn't just the right thing to do—it delivers measurable benefits for your business. Our survey found 51.6% of parents shop at locations with family-friendly restrooms, while 38.5% avoid those without them.

A study by Bain & Company found that retailers with high inclusion posted higher growth rates than their competitors. Another survey found that 68% of consumers are more loyal to brands that display inclusive design elements in their stores.

Our own survey of 550 parents showed that 51.6% of parents choose to shop at locations with family-friendly restrooms, and an astounding 38.5% actively avoid shopping at places without family-friendly restrooms.

Learn more: Download our parent survey results

Remove the height requirements from your sinks in less than a week.

Buy Step ‘n Wash

Orders of up to 100 standard units typically ship within 1 business day, and installation only takes around 15 minutes.

For orders over 100 standard units or to purchase with a PO, please contact us.